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Follie Follie Group
Project Type:
Commercial / Retail
Athens, Greece
Area: 15,000 m2
Status: Competition
Principal in charge:
Christos Athanassopoulos
Fani Papanicolaou
Project Team:
Christos Athanassopoulos
Fani Papanicolaou
Eva Sartzetakis
Dimitrios Tsionis
Eleana Kontou
Frossina Chouliara
2008_Department Store in Athens
Interiors Reconstruction Design
Modern shopping _ As mentioned in the “MINION Exterior” section, Path ARCH was invited to a closed design competition for the new department store in a twofold proposal of exteriors and interiors. For the interiors we were asked to design the ground floor level, a typical floor level, and the central atrium area.
Urban gardening _ To distinguish an existing building between similar ones with the same use, is by definition a difficult effort. To distinguish a new era for a building marked by history rather than its inherited form requires more. Our vertical green garden within the atrium was the node of reference in this endeavor. Connected with the roof garden, this building suplement reduces overall temperatures, creates better microclimate and can help alleviate sick building syndrome. It may also be a means for water reuse, as the plants may purify slightly polluted water (such as greywater) by absorbing the dissolved nutrients. Gardening could also function for its beauty as art.